Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
180 lines
/* Example9 */
/* This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag REFRESHWINDOW, and */
/* how to optimize the redrawing of the window. */
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
/* Declare a pointer to a Window structure: */
struct Window *my_window;
/* Declare and initialize your NewWindow structure: */
struct NewWindow my_new_window=
50, /* LeftEdge x position of the window. */
25, /* TopEdge y positio of the window. */
320, /* Width 320 pixels wide. */
100, /* Height 100 lines high. */
0, /* DetailPen Text should be drawn with colour reg. 0 */
1, /* BlockPen Blocks should be drawn with colour r. 1 */
CLOSEWINDOW| /* IDCMPFlags We will recieve a message when the user */
/* selects the Close window gad. */
REFRESHWINDOW, /* We will recieve a message whenever we */
/* need to refresh (redraw) the window. */
SIMPLE_REFRESH| /* Flags Your program has to refresh the window. */
WINDOWCLOSE| /* Close Gadget. */
WINDOWDRAG| /* Drag gadget. */
WINDOWDEPTH| /* Depth arrange Gadgets. */
WINDOWSIZING| /* Sizing Gadget. */
ACTIVATE, /* The window should be Active when opened. */
NULL, /* FirstGadget No gadgets connected to this window. */
NULL, /* CheckMark Use Intuition's default CheckMark. */
"UPDATE ME", /* Title Title of the window. */
NULL, /* Screen Connected to the Workbench Screen. */
NULL, /* BitMap No Custom BitMap. */
100, /* MinWidth We will not allow the window to become */
50, /* MinHeight smaller than 100 x 50, and not bigger */
400, /* MaxWidth than 400 x 200. */
200, /* MaxHeight */
WBENCHSCREEN /* Type Connected to the Workbench Screen. */
/* Extra information: */
/* We will recieve a REFRESHWINDOW message whenever we need to redraw */
/* the window's display. If the window is a SuperBitmap window you never */
/* need to redraw it since it has its own BitMap. However, if the window */
/* is of the type SIMPLE_REFRESH or SMART_REFRESH it can happen that */
/* your program need to redraw the window. */
/* SIMPLE_REFRESH: You need to update the window if it is resized, */
/* pushed from behind to the front, or is moved. */
/* SMART_REFRESH: You need to update the display if it is resized. */
/* */
/* Once you recieve the message you should redraw the window. However, */
/* before you start to redraw you need to call the function: */
/* BeginRefresh(), and when you have finished you should call the */
/* function EndRefresh(). (Even if you do not redraw anything, you */
/* should call these functions.) The functions will improve the speed of */
/* the redrawing since only the trashed parts will be redrawed. */
/* Boolean variable used for the while loop: */
BOOL close_me;
ULONG class; /* IDCMP flag. */
/* Pointer to an IntuiMessage structure: */
struct IntuiMessage *my_message;
/* Before we can use Intuition we need to open the Intuition Library: */
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
if( IntuitionBase == NULL )
exit(); /* Could NOT open the Intuition Library! */
/* We will now try to open the window: */
my_window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow( &my_new_window );
/* Have we opened the window succesfully? */
if(my_window == NULL)
/* Could NOT open the Window! */
/* Close the Intuition Library since we have opened it: */
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
/* We have opened the window, and everything seems to be OK. */
close_me = FALSE;
/* Stay in the while loop until the user has selected the Close window */
/* gadget: */
while( close_me == FALSE )
/* Wait until we have recieved a message: */
Wait( 1 << my_window->UserPort->mp_SigBit );
/* As long as we can collect messages successfully we stay in the */
/* while-loop: */
while(my_message = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg(my_window->UserPort))
/* After we have successfully collected the message we can read */
/* it, and save any important values which we maybe want to check */
/* later: */
class = my_message->Class; /* IDCMP flag. */
/* After we have read it we reply as fast as possible: */
/* REMEMBER! Do never try to read a message after you have replied! */
/* (Some other process has maybe changed it.) */
ReplyMsg( my_message );
/* Check which IDCMP flag was sent: */
switch( class )
case CLOSEWINDOW: /* The user selected the Close window gad. */
case REFRESHWINDOW: /* You need to update the window. */
printf("We need to redraw the window! (Well almost)\n");
/* Start the redrawing: */
BeginRefresh( my_window );
/* Redraw the window. For example call the function */
/* RefreshGadgets(), DrawImage(), DrawBorder() etc... */
/* In this example we do not redraw anything (there does */
/* not exist anything to redraw). However, even if you do */
/* nothing you need to call the functions BeginRefresh() */
/* and EndRefresh(). */
/* End the redrawing: */
EndRefresh( my_window );
/* Close the window: */
CloseWindow( my_window );
/* Close the Intuition Library: */
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
/* THE END */